Paige Dyrek, Class of 2006 - Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

For the men and women who dedicate themselves to the medical profession, it is truly a calling. Paige Dyrek, Class of 2006, is no exception. She has chosen this career in medicine because she was passionate about helping people who have overcome traumatic and life-altering injuries. 

She received her Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree form Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona and is completing her Preliminary Medicine year at UCSF-Fresno. In June, she will head to Stanford to complete her residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, a specialty that deals with the acute rehabilitation of traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, neurodegenerative diseases, and sports-related injuries. 

Paige credits Clairbourn School with providing her the knowledge and skills to succeed, as well as a positive learning environment that instilled in her a passion for learning. To learn more, Clairbourn's Alumni Director Dr. Janny Chang conducted the following interview with Paige about her journey from Clairbourn to a promising career in medicine:
Clairbourn's Graduating Class of 2006 - Paige Dyrek is in the first row, far right.
When did you come to Clairbourn?
I attended Clairbourn from 3rd - 8th grade from the year 2001 to 2006. 

What do you remember most about your time at Clairbourn? 
I remember my classmates the most and I am lucky to have made great friendships, some of which have still lasted to this day (nearly 15 years later!). I also remember the toolkit (with small handy-man tools) that we got on graduation day—really the best and most practical gift that has helped me through many moves across the country! 

Were there certain teachers or administrators you remember? Why do they stand out? 
Mrs. Halferty is one of my favorite teachers! I also loved PE class, so I remember (and miss) the high energy of Coach Paciorek and Ms. Bunt! 
What high school did you attend and do you think Clairbourn helped prepare you for high school and beyond? 
I went to Mayfield Senior School and I definitely feel that Clairbourn prepared me with a good baseline knowledge and study skills to succeed. 
What activities at Clairbourn helped influence your career trajectory and cultivate your love of medicine? 
I’ve always been interested in medicine. Although I can’t pinpoint a particular activity at Clairbourn that led me to the medical field, I can definitely say that my teachers cultivated a positive learning environment that made school fun and motivated me to always be curious.
You are currently a Preliminary Medicine Intern at University of San Francisco- Fresno. Would you describe what your job entails? 
Some medical specialties, like dermatology, ophthalmology, and radiology, require a full year dedicated to internal medicine before pursuing an advanced specialty. In my case, I am going into Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, a specialty which deals specifically with the acute rehabilitation of traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, neurodegenerative diseases, and sports-related injuries. I am completing my Preliminary Medicine year at UCSF-Fresno and then will head to Stanford in June to complete my residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 

What are the most rewarding aspects of your work? What about challenging aspects? 
I am inspired every day by my patients. Especially in rehabilitation, many people are overcoming traumatic and life-altering injuries and it is truly incredible to see their motivation to get better and the will to live. 
What advice do you have for our Clairbourn students aspiring to follow in your footsteps? 
Think of something that you’re passionate about and pursue it. Whether it be music, sports, or medicine, find what makes you happy and you will be successful. 
Did you have to overcome any hardships or difficulties to follow your dreams? If so, what were they and how did you overcome them? 
I have never been a great test-taker and struggled with standardized tests throughout my many years of schooling. Although I couldn’t control my test scores, I knew that I could always control my work ethic. I worked very hard to get where I am today and I really believe that hard work trumps talent any day. Work hard, stay positive, and good things will come!
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