Grade 4 and 5 Service Project: Learning the Power of Giving
Noelle Shoemake
Clairbourn School’s service opportunities for students hold impactful lessons on giving, empathy, selflessness, and kindness. Whether it’s donating food or holding a book drive, such opportunities can improve work ethics in young students and can provide them with a sense of greater purpose. It can also help them become valued, contributing members of society as well as good human beings. Aristotle once wrote, “What is the essence of life? To serve others and to do good.”
Clairbourn fourth and fifth graders announce their service project with Operation Santa Paws.
With the season of giving in full swing, Clairbourn students in Grades 4 and 5 teamed up with Operation Santa Paws to collect cat and dog supplies to donate to a local animal shelter. Students asked the Clairbourn community for a variety of items including dog and cat food, blankets/towels, and durable animal toys. These items were collected over a one-week period, and donations were due by Friday, December 13.
The results of their donation drive were announced at the Morning Assembly on Wednesday, December 18. Overall they were able to give 493 pounds of donated pet supplies to the San Gabriel Animal Shelter. All of the items were sorted and weighed, and included 69 towels and blankets, 108 cans of wet dog and cat food, 250lbs of dry cat and dog food, 39lbs of food treats, 85 dog and cat toys, 20lbs of pet beds and carriers, and 7lbs of pet shampoo and conditioner products.
The results of their pet supply donation drive were announced at the Morning Assembly on December 18, 2019.
During this service learning activity, students were vocal and proactive in encouraging community members to participate by giving daily Morning Assembly announcements, posting informative flyers, and publishing a social media video. This kind of desire to help is instilled within the Clairbourn community, and students feel they have a responsibility to serve those who are unable to help themselves. The Clairbourn Code of Ethics, which is key part of all aspects of their education, reinforces the message that anytime someone helps, they are bettering themselves and their community.
According to the article, “Emotions of giving: The Cost of Kindness,” research shows that the act of giving makes people feel happier—even if it requires sacrifice. Being able to give back, even in some small way, is empowering and helps to create a positive self-concept and sense of self-worth. With Operation Santa Paws, and other school service projects, Clairbourn students are learning that at any age, they have the ability to make a difference and change a life forever.
“The unselfish effort to bring cheer to others will be the beginning of a happier life for ourselves.”
Private School Education for Preschool, Kindergarten, Elementary School, & Middle School Grades - Serving Families in the Pasadena Area and Surrounding Cities
Clairbourn is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. (K-12 Private Schools), Child Care Facility license # 191500903